
MJ Productions Summer Series Rules
General Rules
Crow's Nest is off-limits for everyone
Absolutely NO excessive trotting or running horses on gravel or around the grounds
Any form of animal abuse WILL NOT be tolerated and you will be asked to leave
Riding double, riding with a halter or bareback is not allowed
MJ Productions holds the right to request any rider to exit the arena/event/premise, who has been deemed unsafe for themselves or others
Judge's decisions are final. If your child has a question about a call, the child may ask the judge before that age division (event) is over.
Thursday rodeos Tiny Tots start at 5:30 P.M.
Sunday rodeos Tiny Tots start at 11:30 A.M.
Age Divisions
Age division is as of the first Summer Rodeo Series (May 25th, 2024)
Pre-entries are available online and encouraged!
Pre-entries open the Monday before the event at 5:00 am
Pre-entries close at 5:00 pm on the day of the rodeo
There is a $10 late fee if you are not entered online
Call or text 307-340-0029 with questions or problems
You are NOT entered until you receive a confirmation email back- You CAN EDIT YOUR OWN ENTRY IF YOU ARE A DRAWOUT OR NEED CHANGES! You ARE responsible for your fees if you do not notify us to draw out!
All fees must be paid prior to entries closing. You will not be allowed to compete until your fees are paid.
You are responsible for your fees if you do not notify us of the draw-out
Rain Delays/Canceled Event
We DO NOT issue refunds if there is a rain/storm delay or the rodeo runs long and you choose to leave
If the remaining events or entire event are canceled, WE WILL refund your fees
80% Payout, after stock charge
The number paid out will depend on the number of entries in each event
1st Place is 10 Points, 10th Place is 1 Point.
You must attend 5 of the 7 rodeos to be eligible for prizes
DEPENDANT ON ENTRIES: Buckles to 1st, prizes for other placings. A minimal of four entries must be received in each division/event for a buckle to be awarded.
If you are not there to pick up your award(s), or do not have someone lined up to pick up your award(s), the award(s) will be forfeited
The number of prizes given will depend on the number of entries in each division and event
All Around Awards will be given for each age division, as well as top boy and top girl for each division
IF there is a tie, the tie will be broken by the number of rodeos attended. IF there is still a tie, it will go off of total money won
Assisted Rider
Any rider who is accompanied by another rider or individual on foot, who passes the eye either alongside the arena fence or travels directly in the pattern and is coaching, touching, holding or directing (verbal, gestures, leading) said rider through the pattern. Assisted Riders are eligible for times or payout. Assisted riders will place after the unassisted riders.
PeeWee Goat Tail Untying
A parent may only assist in helping the contestant off their horse
Thursday nights, exhibitions will run from 4:00 - 5:55 PM - 60 second time limit per exhibition
Saturday nights, exhibitions will run from 4:00 - 5:55 PM - 60 second time limit per exhibition
Buy tickets at the office for $5.00 per ticket
Barrel and Pole Exhibitions are available
Event Rules
Barrel Racing
The contestant will enter the arena, race across the start/ finish line, and to either the left or right barrel. A cloverleaf pattern must be completed, without stopping forward motion. A knocked barrel will result in a no time.
4-D Barrels will be figured on a 0.5 sec split
Exceeding the 65-second time limit will result in a no time
Novice Horse Barrel Race
The Novice Horse Class is its own class. To be classified a Novice Horse, the horse's lifetime earnings cannot exceed $500.00 with 1 second split 2-D format
Tiny Tot Barrel Racing
The contestant must be mounted on a stick horse, cross the starting line, complete cloverleaf pattern without breaking the pattern, and cross the finish line aboard their stick horse to call for time
Pole Bending
The contestant must run down one side of the poles, weave through them, turn the end pole, weave back, and run straight across the finish line. Each tipped pole will result in a 5-second penalty.
Exceeding the 65-second time limit will result in a no time
Tiny Tot Pole Bending
The contestant must be mounted on a stick horse, cross the starting line, complete the pole pattern (with 4 poles, rather than 6) by running down one side, weaving through the pattern, turning the end pole, weaving back through and running straight home across the finish line to call for time.
Goat Tying/Ribbon Snatching
Goat Tying
The contestant must ride horseback across the start line, run to where the goat is tethered, dismount, catch, throw, and tie any of the three legs
Ribbon Snatching
The contestant must ride horseback across the start line, run to where the goat is tethered, dismount, catch the goat, grab the ribbon off its tail and carry it across the line where the judge will flag for time
Tiny Tot Ribbon Snatching
The contestant must run across the start line to where the goat is tethered, grab the ribbon off its tail and carry it across the line where the judge will flag for time
Crepe Paper Race
Two contestants to a team
Mounted on horses, each rider holds an end of an approximately 7 ft streamer and they will race around one barrel
If the crepe paper breaks between the riders at any time after crossing the start line and before crossing the finish line will result in a 'No Time'
It is a CREPE PAPER race. We will be using CREPE PAPER.
Dummy Roping
Dummy Roping
The contestant must start behind the starting line, cross the line, begin swinging, and rope the dummy. A neck catch, slick horns, or half-head are legal catches. When slack comes tight, time stops.
Dummy Team Roping
The contestant heading must start behind the starting line, cross the line, begin swinging, and rope the dummy with either a neck catch, slick horns, or half-head. The header can then turn the dummy to the left, allowing the heeler to rope the back feet of the dummy. Roping only one leg will result in a 5 second penalty.